Saturday, September 12, 2009

Football Weekend Workout

For those of you who spend countless hours watching football games, my friend Brett has come up with a workout that you can do in your living room. During the game, you're going to be getting more exercise than the players, here's how it works:

Do 20 Hindu Squats for every first down
Do 10 Hindu Pushups for every punt
Do 10 burpees for every touchdown
Do 10 V-ups or Sitting Tucks for every field goal
Do 50 Jumping Jacks for every turnover
Jump rope for the duration of every commercial break.
Rest at halftime :)

Enjoy the games. Go Patriots!

Monday, September 7, 2009

September 7

Sorry for not being here in a while.. Have been working on getting a new website up and running that will take the place of this with workout and nutrition tips and lots of other great stuff.. Announcement coming soon....

For today, go to the track....

run 200m AFAP (as fast as possible) - do 20 burpees
run 200m AFAP - do 20 pushups
run 200m AFAP - do 20 situps
run 200m AFAP - do 40 squats

repeat 4x....