Tuesday, March 31, 2009

tuesday kettlebells

Kettlebell + Workout for today

Alternating 6's (alternate between 2 exercises for 6 minutes)

A1: 10 Long Cycle Left
A2: 10 Long Cycle Right

B1: 25 Swings
B2: 10 Dynamax Slams

C1: 25 yrds Power Wheel Crawl
C2: 10 PW hamsgtring curl

D1: 20 Goblet Squats
D2: 10 KB deck squats

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monday 3-30

40:20 x 6
KB See Saw press
split lunge jumps
body rows

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday 3-28

500/400/300 Hindu Squats
100/75/50 Hindu Pushups
100/75/50 Jackknifes
100/75/50 Kettlebell Swing

30 minute limit.. Try to complete 500 Hindu Squats, 100 Hindu Pushups, 100 Jackknifes (V-Ups), and 100 Kettlebell swings in 30 minutes.. If that's too much, then go to the next number down, for example, 400,75,75,75...

Friday, March 27, 2009

friday 3-27

40:20 x 6

Agility Ladder
Monkey Bars
Hip Slaps
D-Ball Overhead Throw
Kettlebell Russian Twist

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thu March 26th

Kettlebell Plus workout for today is a 40:20 x 5

Power Wheel Rollout
D-Ball Clean and Press
Double KB Bent Over Row
KB Hack Squat
Jump Rope
Jungle Gym Runners

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wednesday march 25

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 30 minutes

25 1-arm swings, each arm
25 Hindu Squats
10 1-arm open up, each side
10 Crusher Pushups
25 UK Squat Thrusts (or Wall Thrusts)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spartan 3-24

Prison 20-18-16-14-----2

Situp n Reach
Body Rows
Box Jumps

Women - pushups from toes, burpees with jump/no pushup, 18" box jump
Men - keep good form on the pushups (elbows in, chest/hips to floor, full extension on the way up), burpees with pushups and jump, 24" box jump

Monday, March 23, 2009

monday 3-23

40:20 x 6

Deck Squat
Box Straddle
KB Swing/Squat

Friday, March 20, 2009

friday 3-20

40:20 x 5

Bosu squats
Partner cable diagonal chops
wall ball
Spetznaz Crawl

Thursday, March 19, 2009

thursday march 19

Spartan workout for today: 

40:20x5 rounds

Double KB front squats
Hindu Pushups on the rings
Rope Climbs
Sledge hits on tire
Plyo Burpees

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday March 18

Prison Workout 10-9-8---1, for time.
Do 10 of each, then 9, then 8, all the way down to 1...

-Jump Rope x10/15/20 (x10 if you're a beginner, x20 if you're advanced) So on the 10's, if you're advanced with the jump rope then you'll do 200..
-Sprinters (similar to a mountain climber except you come forward into a sprinter's lunge every time you bring your foot forward)
- Kettlebell Press into an Overhead Squat (Left Arm)
- Kettlebell Press into and Overhead Squat (Right Arm)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day workout

30:30:30 x 4 rounds.. Do x1 for 30 seconds followed immediately by 30 seconds of x2 and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat 4 times and then move on to the next pair of exercises. Rest 1:30 between rounds.

a1: swings
a2: goblet squats

b1: pullups
b2: pushups

c1: windmill on right
c2: windmill on left

d1: Power Wheel rollout
d2: bridge

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday 3-16


Lateral Slides
Box Jumps
Kettlebell High Pull
Hanging Knee Raise
Hindu Squats

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Sunday 60

It's going to be about 60 degrees today so the workout of the day is going to be called the Sunday 60. I'm going to go out for a bike ride and put in 1 mile for every degree :)  If you're not interested in doing a 60 mile bike ride, here's another spin on the "Sunday 60" for you..

Sprint 60 yards
Do 10 burpees
Repeat 6x until you have 60 burpees

Sprint 60 yards
Do 10 Hindu Pushups
Repeat 6x until you have 60 Hindu Pushups

Sprint 60 yards
Do 60 Hindu Squats
Repeat 6x

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Stair workout... stair sprints followed by Stair Squat Jumps.. 1 step at a time first time, followed by 2 steps at a time the second time, then 3 steps at a time. Follow that up with a reverse bear crawl up the stairs.. And then.....
30:20 x 5
Crossover Pushups
Hanging Leg Raises
Shuttle Run

This was given to the North Middlesex LAX team today... Will be coming to a Spartan workout sometime in the near future :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kettlebell D.O.C. 3-12

Kettlebell Deck of Cards..

Spades - KB swings x 2 (if you draw an 8 of spades, do 16 swings)
Clubs - Goblet Squats
Diamonds - Right Arm Clean and Press
Hearts - Left Arm Clean and Press

All aces are 15 kettlebell deck squats

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


40:20 x 6

Cable Flys
Mt Climbers
Goblet Squats
Shuttle Run

This one is deceivingly difficult.....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

workout, 3-10-09

30:20 x 5 rounds of:
a1: Overhead swing
a2: KB lunge
a3: Box jumps

b1: Kb thrusters
b2: kb deck squat
b3: jump rope

Monday, March 9, 2009

monday 3-9

My workout for today...

60:30 x 5 rounds of
- Double Jerk with 20kgs (did last round with double 24kgs)
- Mace Swinging with 16# sledge

-ring dips

Overhead squats
round 1: 1 arm, 16kg, 5 on each side
round 2: 2 arm, dbl 12kgs, 5 reps
round 3: 1 arm, 20kg, 5 on each side
round 4: 2 arm, dbl 16kgs, 5 reps
round 5: 1 arm, 28kg, 5 on each side

-one hour on the bike rollers, looking out the windows watching the friggin snow fall after a 60 degree weekend where i got in a great 40 mile ride outside!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

sunday 3-8

30:20 x 6.. Stay on each exercise until 6 rounds are completed. Rest 90 seconds and then move on to the next exercise.

Box Jumps
Hindu Squats

Friday, March 6, 2009

workout for Friday 3-6

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 30 minutes

50 mountain climbers
25 hindu squats
10 hindu pushups

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


3 rounds of:
10 pullups
20 squat jumps
10 ring dips
-follow the 3 rounds with 5:00 jump rope

3 rounds of:
15 burpees
15 double kb thrusters
15 PW rollouts
-follow the 3 rounds with 5:00 jump rope


40:20 x 6

Tuck Jumps
Wall Ball
Russian Twist

bodyweight alternative for my two 60 day challengers in Key West :)
5 rounds of
10 burpees
20 situps
20 hindu squats
30 jumping jacks
10 pushups

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pyramids 3-3-09


2 arm kettlebell swing 20-40-60-40-20
Pushups 15-30-45-30-15
Goblet Squats 10-20-30-20-10
Renegade Row 5-10-15-10-5 (on each side)

Do the first number of reps of each exercise and then move on to the next exercise. Then move on to the next round. For example, first round is 20 swings, 15 pushups, 10 squats, 5 renegade rows each side. Do your best to complete all reps of each exercise without stopping.

Recommended weights:
Spartans use 24kg+ for kb swings and goblet squats, 16kg+ for RR
Spartettes use 16kg for swings and goblet squats, 12kg for RR

25 minute limit. 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snowy Monday 3-2-09

Snowstorms always present a great opportunity for a functional strength and conditioning workout.. For today, while you're shoveling:

10 shovelfuls of snow
1 burpee

repeat till finished shoveling :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday 3-1-09

1000/2000/3000 Turns on the Jump Rope
100/200/300 Situps
50/100/150 pushups

the way this works is you pick a column and do that number of repetitions.. i'm going to do 3000 turns on the jump rope, 300 situps, and 150 pushups.. you can mix it up however you'd like. have fun :)