Friday, July 31, 2009

weekend Aug 1 and 2

Saturday Aug 1:

hill sprints.. Find a hill that takes you about 30 seconds to sprint up. Sprint to the top of the hill, do 10 burpees and walk back down..

Repeat 10x

Sunday Aug 2: Find a pickup game of:
street hockey

If you can't find one, start one :)

Have an idea for a great workout of the day? email me at and I'll post it here. as long as it doesn't include bench presses, biceps curls, or elliptical machines then I'll use it (haha)...

July 31

in a 15:15 format do as many as possible in 5 minutes (10 consecutive rounds)... take a 2 minute break and then go into the next exercise..

body row
box jump

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29

100 swings
100 goblet squats
100 long cycle

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

July 28

do 5 hindu pushups
bear crawl 10 yds
do 5 burpees
bear crawl back
do 10 hindu squats
bear crawl 10 yds
do 10 situps
bear crawl back
do 20 jumping jacks
bear crawl 10 yards
do 20 skiers
bear crawl back

do AMRAP in 20 minutes

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27

30:30:30 work on first exercise for :30 immediately followed by second exercise for :30, and then :30 rest.

do 4 rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds

skaters/mt climbers
kb swings/goblet squats
pushups/body row

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26

Sun's coming out soon...

Head out for a couple hours of fun:
- trail running
- mountain biking
- road biking
- kayaking or canoeing

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24

5 rounds AFAP (as fast as possible)

100 Hindu Squats
25 Hindu Pushups
25 V-ups/Tucks
25 Cossack Slides

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23

Jump Rope Pyramid
Forwards then backwards AFAP (as fast as possible)

finish up with 5-10 minutes of Turkish Getups using a kettlebell, dumbell, medicine ball, barbell, or any other type of awkward load you can think of..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

july 22

90 minute ashtanga yoga session

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21

Deck of Cards

Spades - burpees
Clubs - squats
Hearts - tuck jumps
Diamonds - bicycles x 2

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20

50m - 100m - 200m - 400m - 200m - 100m - 50m

after every distance, walk/jog back to start and go again right away.

finish up with 50 pushups, 25 pullups and 50 situps

Thursday, July 16, 2009

July 17

5 rounds of:

60 Hindu Squats
20 Hindu Pushups
30 second back bridge

July 16

For 20 minutes in a 15:15 format

double kettlebell or dumbell thrusters
single kettlebell or dumbell thrusters, alternating arms every set

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14

800m run (1/2 mile. 2x around a standard high school track)
25 burpees
800m run
25 pushups
800m run
25 wall ball
800m run
25 power wheel rollouts or v-ups

if 2 miles of running is too much, then modify your run distances.. this workout should take less than 30 minutes.

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13

100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
100 body rows

Saturday, July 11, 2009

weekend of July 11

Saturday: it's blueberry season and there are tons of local hikes up mountains with blueberries.. go for a hike and pick some blueberries.. don't forget to jump on rocks, crawl under trees, climb a couple trees, and do some pullups on branches.. in other words, make it as fun as possible.

Sunday: go for a 2 hr bike ride

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8


300 yds of power wheel crawl (150 fwrd/150 bkwrd)
3000 revolutions on the jumprope (1500 frwrd/1500 bkwrd)

shoot for 30 minutes

can substitute 200/2000 or 100/1000 and can also substitute bear crawls for power wheel crawls

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 7

25 jumping jacks
10 alternating toe touches
25 bicycles
10 pushups
25 squats
10 body rows

repeat 5 times

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 6

Been away hiking and biking and getting an incredible amount of fun and exercise in.. Hope you have too :)

Workout for Monday from my friend Ryan..
10 rounds:
2 mins hard on the jumprope
10 burpees.

the jump rope is not a rest.. it is jumping as fast as you can for 2 minutes. mix up your footwork and throw in some double unders if you can. Great workout!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 2

Top of every minute, sprint 50 yds
Repeat 8 times (beginner) followed by 25 burpees
Repeat 12 times (intermediate) followed by 50 burpees
Repeat 16 times (advanced) followed by 100 burpees