Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Day F.I.T

40:20 x 6

UK Squat Thrust
Ring Plank
Hack Squat

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday Spartan

A modified version of the Crossfit "Fight Gone Bad" workout..
3 x 5:00 min rounds with 1:00 min rest in between. You will perform one exercise for one minute and then immediately move to the next exercise for 1:00 until you are through with the 5 exercises..

Wall Ball
Sumo High Pull
Box Jump
D-Ball Push Press
Renegade Row

Finisher: 100 yds of PW crawl

Wednesday 600

600 reps... toughest way to do this is to do all reps of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise. try to finish in under 30 minutes

50 burpees

50 body rows

50 tuck jumps

100 sit n reach

100 hindu squats

100 skaters

100 jumping jacks

50 pushups

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kettlebell Tuesday

The kettlebell omelette was so popular last Tuesday that I think it's going to be a regular Tuesday workout.. Will be another good one today. At the Spartan workout tonight I'm going to add some bottoms up kettlebell work as well as some flips and catches...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday 4-27

40:20 x 6

monkey bars/pullups
deck squats
elbow plank/elbow stand
wall ball
alligator pushups

Friday, April 24, 2009

friday april 24

40:20 x 6

jump rope
hindu squats
cable punches
med ball chops
hindu pushups

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thu 4-22

Spartan Workout:
Double Kettlebell Session
30:30 x 5 rounds.. 1:00 rest between rounds. Use same weight for all exercises, cycle from one exercise to the next.

front squats
push press/jerk
renegade rows
high pulls

wed the 22nd

AMRAP in 30 minutes of:

12 burpees
12 1 arm kettlebell clean and press, each arm
5 windmills, each side
25 skiers
25 swimmers

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday April 21

Kettlebell Omelettes for today..

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday 4-20

40:20 x 6

body row
deck squat
cable russian twist
walking 2 arm kettlebell swing

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Friday April 17

Keeping with the partner theme from the Spartan workout on Thursday, today's FIT and DFC sessions will also be a partner workout... 40:20 x 5 rounds

Batey Bosu Toss
Swiss Ball Wrestle
Low-5 Pushups
C-Band Hip Extension
C-Band Russian Twist
Back 2 Back Squat Walk

This is fun stuff!!

Thursday 4-16

Kettlebell + workout today:

40:20 x 6
Battling Ropes
Elbow plank/hip slaps
D-Ball Clean and Press
Kettlebell Swing
Goblet Squat

For the Spartan workout we have a partner session (aka "The Spartner") with lots of power wheel crawls, kettlebell work, plyometrics, and isometric holds...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday 4-15

Alternating 8's
-alternate between two exercise for 8:00 and then move on to the next pair..

a1: 150 revolutions on the jump rope forward
a2: 150 revs backwards

b1: 25 yards bear crawl
b2: 40 hindu squats

c1: 15 med ball diagonal chops (over each shoulder)
c2: 10 med ball rotating lunges (each leg)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4-14 spartan workout

Reverse pyramids. Complete x1:x2 before moving on to next pair of exercises...

a1: 10-9-8----1 Atomic Power Wheel Pushups
a2: 20-18-16-14---2 Power Wheel Hamstring Curl

b1: 20-18-16---2 Sledge Hits, each side
b2: 10-9-8---1 pullups

c1: 10-9-8---1 Double Kettlebell Clean
c2: 10-9-8---1 Double Kettlebell Push Press

Monday, April 13, 2009

monday 4-13

AMRAP in 30 minutes of:

25 yards lateral hopping
10 pushups
10 pullups
10 cable clean and punch 
20 bicycles

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Weekend

Workouts at the gym are posted on the board. I know Niko's planning some cool stuff with kettlebells and sandbags for the Spartan workout. Michele and I are going hiking in the Green Mountains of Vermont with Jake! See you Monday. Have a great Easter :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday April 10

Train Like Animals:
4 x 40:20
Monkey Bars
Alligator Pushups
Frog Hops
Elephant Walk

Finisher: 10/100 Burpee Challenge
Do 100 burpees in 10 minutes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

thu 4-9

Cable Punch
Wall Ball
Renegade Row
Kettlebell Deck Squat
Jump Rope

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tuesday 4-7

Spartan Workout of the Day

100 kettlebell swings
100 1-arm kettlebell snatch (50 each side)
100 Zercher Squats
100 Burpees

Monday, April 6, 2009

monday 4-6

40:20 x 6

Cable Full Extensions
Cable Thrusters

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday 4-4

Today's sessions will be what Steve Maxwell calls the "Kettlebell Omelette".. You'll pick up a kettlebell and you won't put it down for about 30 minutes.. In those 30 minutes I will run you through a variety of kettlebell exercises that will keep your heart rate up and keep every muscle in your body engaged. This is a phenomenal full body workout and it's really a lot of fun. Hope to see you at the gym :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday April 3rd

Sorry for the delay.. There was no internet at the gym today..

Workout of the day was 40:20 x 6 of

Kettlebell Bulgarian Squat
Jump Rope
Crab Walk

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thu 4-2

40:20 x 6

D-Ball Clean/Press
Kettlebell High Pull
Kettlebell Windmill
Hanging Knee Raise
Walking Weighted Lunges 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wed 4-1

No April Fools Here :)

40:20 x 6

Overhead Kettlebell Swing
Mountain Climbers
Sit n Reach
Uneven Pushups